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Keeping it real

The struggle: also known as keeping motivated during the long week and having the energy behind the things you want to say when the time comes. Every artist, creative, craftsman, doer, over functioner, entrepreneur, musician, etc, should know this feeling. The moments we have the epiphanies are scarcely the same moments we have the follow through. So I can't claim to know how others work but for me it just comes down to making myself do the thing. Most nights after earning my keep I am perfectly peachy with a slab of Masonite (my drawing board) on my lap and my current piece on top, just me going to town, all the while watching something off my phone. It's simple and while making the work is just one facet of being an active artist, that little scene I described to you in essence is what I want to be doing for the rest of my life. Just creating work, just creating all these puzzles for my mind to solve and being satisfied or frustrated or any of the other feels that come with perfecting something. Those are the things that I love. When I traveled I realized how working at even this simple scale wasn't working. There was no spare or private space at the hostels I was often living at that could accommodate the creative atmosphere I so needed. Many of the travelers weren't creative beyond picking up the token out of tune guitar found at each hostel and playing Wonder wall, that one dead tired Oasis song.

In a way creating the avenue for your work is like navigating the unknown. You don't always know how things are going to look, what it will take, or if it will change anything what so ever. Even still the opportunity is there. Any issue we face is really mind over matter. As simple as that sounds, don't you know once you are out of a situation you can see clearer? So why wouldn't that be the same concept for your state of mind? Shut down those thoughts that tell you the anti reasons, that voice was just gagged and locked in the basement of your sub conscious, you're welcome. Now go and live your frieken life the way you want to. If I had never inquired at a venue or coffee shop, guess what! My work would have never been featured there. If I hadn't attained Photoshop and InDesign on my computer, or bought a new computer for that matter, then none of my prints would have been made. Now a days, if I didn't have other local artists to look to or collaborate with then my dream probably wouldn't have gotten off the ground. Wherever you are, it's best not to forget about these little 'chip away' moments, these over time hours that accumulate to the life you really want.

All that to say I am working on what could be the last of my second collection. I am trying to log in virtual hours whether writing this blog, making redbubble products, editing this or other online accounts, as well as searching for opportunities. Also the past two days I have made it to two live art show functions. I was not featured at either and that's ok, but I am being social and making the effort to see who else is out there. The fact that these events are finding their way back to us is something I am so excited for.

(One last little tie over from last week of with that over whelmed, feelin' like garbage mood I emitted: part of today might actually be worse. As this morning I went to a funeral for a five year old and I don't think I've ever seen anything so sad in my entire life. I cried typing that, because like anyone can believe: it can't be, it was too soon, it doesn't make sense, the family, I can't even imagine how it's going to continue for them. They have my heart. )

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